Friday 29 November 2013

So while daughter number two nears the end of her very first term at university, the cycle of applications, interviews and offers begins all over again for thousands more students.

At College the number of applicants is well up on this time last year, but it’s hard to know at this stage if this is students being organised earlier or indeed whether we will see a larger percentage of the year group applying.  Whatever the reason, it’s incredibly hard work at this stage of the year, checking every application and then checking every reference to ensure it is accurate before finally pushing the button.  There are only so many hours in the day, but with Christmas looming we’re keen to get the bulk sent by then if we possibly can.

Last Sunday we had a One More Step meeting locally and were really encouraged.  With a mixture of sons/daughters already at university and in the middle of applying, it was great to be able to talk informally about how they are all getting on, workloads, 2nd year accommodation, how Student Finance works (don’t we all wish we knew the answer to that one!), when offers might come etc etc.  And then we spent some time praying for our students, and also for their CUs, and for the student workers at their Churches.

So let’s continue to remember our students in prayer:  for happy Christmas celebrations at university, for everyone getting along together over the festive period at home, for those applying at the moment for university and those facing the prospect of selective interviews.
And here’s a challenging Bible verse as we re-configure as families over Christmas:  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  Ephesians 4:2

As we enter this period of Advent, waiting for Christ to come, I for one can’t wait for the Advent of the daughters too!

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